The government decree No. 253/2020 Coll. has been published in the Collection of Laws on 19 September 2020. It extends duration of temporary protection available under Act No. 62/2020 Coll. on certain emergency measures in relation to the spread of dangerous contagious human disease COVID-19 and in the justice, and amendments to certain laws (“Lex Corona”). The government decree extends duration of the temporary protection granted under the Lex Corona for all entrepreneurs to 31 December 2020.
You can find more information on the temporary protection for entrepreneurs granted under the Lex Corona in this link:
Temporary protection after 31 December 2020
The government plans to adopt a specific legislation that will regulate temporary protection of entrepreneurs in financial difficulties with the aim to enable their continuation in business and to prevent them from, in particular, loss of jobs, know-how on one side, and to permit a higher level of satisfaction of claims of creditors. The new legislation should become effective from 1 January 2021 and it should bring similar effects as the temporary protection available until 31 December 2020. The draft bill is currently in phase of second reading in the Parliament.
Pursuant to the draft bill it will be possible to grant temporary protection from 1 January 2021 for the period of three months with the possibility of extension. We will inform about the details of the proposed legislation on temporary protection of entrepreneurs in financial difficulties after 31 December 2020 in due course.